September 22nd 2008: Chrome Shift no more

We are sorry to inform you that Chrome Shift is stopping as a band as of now. The reason is mainly that not all band members has time to spare for the band even though we all want to work for the band. Band members personal life an other music projects seems to drain the time and energy, so we all agreed to stop the band. There are no disputes in the band at all, we can just see that we can't function as a band when not all members has the time and energy. Chrome Shift is Otto, Jens Christian, Jakob, Poul and Rasmus. None of us can imagine to continue the band without the others so it is better to stop the band entirely.

We are sure that some of us will work together on new projects. There is in fact already things ongoing but it is too early to tell about :-) We can't rule out that Chrome Shift will one day be reunited, but untill then we prefer to stop Chrome Shift.

We would like to thank the people who supported us during the years espiecially family and friends. We thank the many people who has contacted us and been waiting for new songs.

Best regards
Chrome Shift

February 5th 2007: About the comming music
We are composing new music again. We are heading towards songs like 'Full Moon' and trying to stay away from the more hardcore prog. stuff....unless it really fits the song of course :-) We will have to look through the current new material we have made already and see what fits into that style and what doesn't. It is going to interesting to see what will happen this year.

Jens Christian
Chrome Shift

February 5th 2007: Getting hold of a cd
Hi guys, time for another update.
For those of you who wants to buy our cd: As far as we know DVS Records does not exist anylonger so it would probably be pointless to try and order the cd from DVS. We haven't been under contract with them since spring last year. We have no cd's at the moment, so we can't sell you any. Mindawn has our cd however:

Here you can also buy the individual files.

Jens Christian
Chrome Shift

January 31st 2007: Another update
Happy New Year! J.C. again. Here is another news update for all of you.

We are still looking for a record deal. We have spoken to some friends that have helped us out in the past, and we hope that will be the move that gives us some kind of record deal with more money than we have gotten offered so far. Money is still our main issue regarding the next record. The music is ready and we are writing new material at the moment also in order to progress faster.

Chrome Shift now has a MySpace site here: Please drop by and make a friend request if you feel like it.

October 15th 2006: Small update
Hello everybody! J.C. here. Here is a very small news flash on what is going on. Currently we are (still) looking for a label to release our fantastic music on. So far we got one offer, but there was not enough money in it in order to pay for most of the recording time (which is our main reason for why we are looking for a label anyway), so we will continue looking. There is one label we are very interested in, and we are contacting them again in week 42/43. Let's hope the label is interested.

We haven't been looking for a place to play recently because nobody wants to pay for a band anyway, so that's very much out of minds at the moment.

Otto has threatent to start writing some new material this fall, and I might also throw in a song or two, but let's see.

July 11th 2006: Virtuosa interview on this page
The interview for Virtuosa magazine can now be read in the Interviews section.

May 15th 2006: Virtuosa interview
We made an interview for the magazine Virtuosa in their anniversary issue. Congratulations to editor Nick Hinton!

March 12th 2006: Small video clip
Just to proove we are still alive: Here you have a small video clip from a rehearsal in January 2006. It is in rather poor quality - it is recorded with the camera in my mobile phone. Right click to download. Enjoy!
Chrome Shift - 01-2006.3gp (1.815KB)

March 11th 2006: Online music stores
We updated the Links-section with links to online music stores.

February 9th 2006: What's going on
So, what's going on? We have had a few delays during the autumn 2005, that unfortunately has delayed the completion of our demo. The demo will however be sent to DVS Records this month for presentation of the new material. Hopefully DVS likes it so much they would like to help financing the record.

We have finished all details on all songs. Rasmus has written a 15 minute 3-part song, that needs a lot of work, and that are not certain to be adapted as Chrome Shift songs, they are quite different than anything we have ever made, but also makes then interesting. Otherwise we are ready to record. We now need a record label to chip in, then we can book a studio.
We haven't planned any concerts. It is still impossible to get enough pay for the effort.

July 23rd 2005: Demo recording
Starting monday and ending friday next week, we will record a demo with all our songs. The demo will then be presented to good old DVS Records who will decide if it is going to be a DVS Record or not - exciting huh? :-)

We are not 100% sure where or when the record will be recorded. It looks like recording will be done in early spring 2006....yes this IS taking too damn long, we know.

April 19th 2005: The record so far
We are delayed regarding having the songs ready for the next album, but in week 28 we will finally make a demo-recording of all our new songs.

Regarding the studio. We are not sure we are going to record at Jacob Hansen's recording studios. The reason for that is, it seems he hasn't got the amount of time we need at the moment, but that may change - we don't know. To early to tell.

The songs: We are finishing up three songs by Rasmus. Those will be the last ones for this album.

We are going to rehearse again this week, so stay tuned for more news on sunday or beginning of next week.

January 9th 2005: Mindawn
DVS records has just made a deal with Mindawn, an online music service, that now sell "Ripples In Time". You can also buy individual tracks in case you do not want to buy the entire album.

December 24th 2004: Season's greetings
Merry X-mas and a happy New Year from Chrome Shift to all of you who supported us and to all of you who bought our record!! We hope to see you all next year.

December 12th 2004: The great plan for 2005
Hello! It has been a while since our last update, sorry about that. It is time for us to let you know what we are doing at the moment, and what the great plan for 2005 is all about:

We are still working on the last 3-4 songs for our next record. The deadline for completing the music including beeing able to play it is the 1st of April 2005.

In April we will record a demo CD with all our material. The demo CD will be used in discussions with a record label regarding the real recording session in summer/autumn 2005. We hope to record the next CD at Jacob Hansen's recording studios. We will need 4 weeks of studio time.

If we follow the plan the record will be out October 2005.

October 17th 2004: Guess who's back!!!!
Yes!!!! It is true!! Good old Jakob Paulsen is back in Chrome Shift!! After a long period without a replacement for Jakob, Chrome Shift can now move on!

We have rehearsed twice with Jakob already and the spirit in the band is very high indeed. We are now focusing entirely on the next record, a record we hope to have ready within a year (mail us record deals now please - hehe). Nine pieces of fantastic music are ready for recording at the moment. We expect to record 14-15 songs in total, 12 of those will be used for the album.

October 2004: Chrome Shift leaves Intromental Management as of the 1st of October 2004
Chrome Shift feels the need to "reboot" its activities after 6 months of almost no rehearsals due to lack of a keyboard player. The band feels a need to focus on creating the last few songs for the next album. Cutting down on activities such as Intromental Management and live concerts is a step in that direction.

There is no dispute what so ever between Intromental Management and Chrome Shift. In fact, they all remain close friends, and you shouldn’t be surprised to see one or two of the Chrome Shift musicians appearing in other Intromental related projects sooner or later.

Both sides have been very satisfied working together and might do so again somewhere in the future. For now, best of luck to both parties :-)

Jens Christian / Chrome Shift
Claus Jensen / Intromental Management

June 15th 2004: CD at Amazon
We just wanted to let you know, that you can finally buy our cd at Amazon, so if you already use Amazon you can continue to do so.

April 17th 2004: Keyboard player wanted!
Chrome Shift is looking for a keyboard player to take over after Jakob Paulsen. We need a creative musician who likes to play solos and has a well developed technique to be able to play fast and accurate. Contact the band ( with information on where to listen to your playing.

April 17th 2004: Jakob leaves Chrome Shift
We are sad to announce, that our dear keyboard-guru Jakob Paulsen leaves Chrome Shift. Jakob decides to leave due to personal reasons. He wants to spend more time on his family and needs some time away from some of his music activities. There are no disagreements at all between Jakob and the rest of Chrome Shift.
Chrome Shift will continue to work on the last songs for the next Chrome Shift album. We hope to be ready for the studio this year if we can find a keyboard player.

March 24th 2004: Where to buy CD
Hello again!! It has been a while.
People ask us where to buy our cd. Well, start by ordering at your local cd shop, if that fails visit DVS Records. They have the cd and can send it to you.

If you for some reason do not want to buy it there try this site then:

The End Records

Regards from Chrome Shift (Jens Christian)

January 27th 2004: New site
Welcome to the brand new version of the official Chrome Shift homepage. We hope you'll like our new design.

December 2003: Live In Copenhagen
Chrome Shift will play at Tex in Copenhagen, Denmark friday the 27th of February 2004.


December 2003: No. 26 of 100
The 8th annual poll of the radio station the Gagliarchives 88.9-95.1FM in Philadelphia, USA, placed "Ripples In Time" as number 26 of the 100 most significant prog. metal albums of 2003.
The Record will be featured in the Globalprogressive Rock Network's Top 100 Progressive Rock Releases of 2003. Ripples In Time recieved 58 votes in 7000, charting in the #26 spot in the top 100. The program begins Saturday night at 10pm Eastern Time, and it will feature the track Nightmachine on the program with a brief synopsis of C.S. music and history.
Visit their site at:
Thanks to all of those who voted our record to the 26th spot in the poll.

October 2003: Prog Power report.
We played at Prog Power festival in Baarlo in the Netherlands the 4th of October. It went well. The got nothing but good reviews of our performance. We played:

Ripples In Time - Part I
Full Moon
Mirrors (non album track)
In My Own Dream
Kosmonauten er død
Worlds (non album track)
Chapter 19 (non album track)
Les Temps des Assasins
Chrome Shift (non album track)

If we get some pictures from the concert, we will show some of them on this website.
We did get this comment about our performance from the guys at

Eine halbe Stunde Umbaupause ließ Zeit für ein Bierchen und etwas Smalltalk auf dem idyllischen Dorfplatz mit nebenstehendem, etwas überdimensioniertem Kirchturm. Dann waren Chrome Shift an der Reihe, zugleich Überraschung und im Nachhinein einer der heimlichen Headliner des Festivals. Die fünf noch weitgehend unbekannten Dänen, die als ihre Inspiratoren Genregrößen wie Dream Theater, Pain Of Salvation oder King's X nennen (und Dänen lügen bekanntlich nicht), haben in diesem Jahr ihr von der Presse hochgelobtes Debutalbum herausgebracht und sind bei DVS Records unter Vertrag, einem Label, das von Festivalchef René Janssen ebenfalls in Eigenregie betrieben wird. Die Songs wirken etwas schwerer und härter, eher im Midtempobereich angesiedelt, und kommen trotzdem gutgelaunt rüber. Fett und straight, mit hymnischen, mehrstimmigen Chorpassagen verwoben wurde hier ProgMetal vom Feinsten geboten. Erstaunlich, wie songdienlich Chrome Shift technische, komplexe Frickelparts - hier ist das bombastisch anmutende Instrumentalstück "Kosmonauten Er Dot" hervorzuheben (was immer das auch heißen mag) - mit äußerst melodischem Progmetal verschmelzen. Epische, vielschichtige Mukke ohne nervzehrende Soloexzesse in Zigarettenlänge, aber mit überraschenden Rhythmuswechseln bohrte sich dem Hörer 50 Minuten lang ins Ohr, als müsste sie genau so und nicht anders klingen. Dazu kommt das symphatische Auftreten besonders von Shouter Rasmus Bak und eine Liveperformance, als hätte Chrome Shift nie was anderes gemacht. Das Publikum schwankte zwischen Überraschung und Begeisterung. Großes Kino, meine Herren, von denen wird man sicherlich noch hören!